The Indian education system is one of the largest education systems in the world. For such a large structure, there are numerous schools, colleges, and universities that cater to millions of local and foreign students every year. A long process of admissions is started between June to September and a new academic year begins.
This year, however, it was different. A worldwide pandemic brought a sudden halt in the proceedings of the Indian education system. The COVID-19 virus hit India first in November. From there, it gradually spread across the whole country. So, the Indian government decided to put the entire country under complete lockdown until it got under control.
This lockdown affected many areas of people’s lives including the education of every student in India.
How COVID-19 Affected Our Lifestyles?
COVID-19 is a disease spread by an airborne virus. The lockdown was implemented to reduce its spread. Citizens were given instructions and safety measurements to follow so that they can stay safe from the virus. People were forced to stay in their homes without going out unless necessary. The mass hysteria of this pandemic also played a huge role in keeping the citizens cooped up in their houses.
A new wave of working-from-home spread across the world. Everything that can be done using a smart device like a phone or PC was done from the safety of one’s house. People avoided going to public places, and any physical contact went right out of the window. Naturally, schools and colleges were also shut down to keep the students safe.
How Education Was Impacted?
Schools and Colleges are very crowded places to start with. The lockdown was executed so that people would not go to any crowded place where the chances of getting infected were high. So, when people started working from home to keep their livelihood, schools too started operating online.
A new way of online learning like never before suddenly became a norm. Teachers and students started to use video calling applications to conduct online classes. Study materials were shared with the students. And parents took care of their child’s timely studies along with their own jobs.
However, there is so much lacking in this setting. Studies show that online learning due to a pandemic is a sudden and abrupt change from traditional offline learning. Because of this, children who are studying from the isolation of their houses tend to feel alone without the physical presence of their friends. They are often distracted from the lesson and there is no way to truly know if the child has understood the concept.
Thinking deeper, that might only be the start of it. Let’s list out the gaps in online learning through regular video calling applications:
- Focuses only on the teaching part: During the pandemic, many schools were only able to focus on providing students regular classes. Whereas, other aspects of the education system like the administration and management were pushed on the back foot.
- Evaluating student’s performance needs a separate application: Video calling application did not ease the student evaluation process for teachers or parents. So if teachers want to show the progress of the student, they either rely on manual work or a separate application altogether.
- A different application for administrative needs: Whether it is keeping a track of teacher’s payroll or maintaining student fees record. Administrative tasks like these need another application to keep things running smoothly, if at all.
This is where an all-inclusive school management system becomes helpful to the admins, teachers, students, and parents. Schools that have adopted the new way of teaching and learning with school management systems like Sweedu were able to overcome all the above hurdles in a very short time.
How a School Management System Simplifies Online Education?
A school management system takes care of all the tasks that are needed to run a school successfully. It then digitizes them to keep the data safe and available to the client anywhere at any given time.
To understand this properly, let’s take the example of Sweedu. Sweedu is a school management software that allows the schools to digitize their operations for smoother running and efficient use of its resources. Now, the school administrators, teachers, students, and parents will not have to use separate applications for different tasks. One Sweedu application takes care of everything right from video classes to payments and digitized student evaluations.
Sweedu software is available in two smartphone applications, one for the teachers and the other for parents. With these two feature-loaded applications, all four bodies, admins, teachers, parents, and students can stay connected. Sweedu offers 28 features that help teachers and students bring the process of learning to the next level.
As COVID-19 prevails, software like Sweedu is a smarter choice for schools to keep operating smoothly, the way it did before the pandemic. The school management system is not only important during hard times like this but can also be used after everything goes back to normal.
School Management System After COVID-19
School management systems like Sweedu provides you with numerous features that can be used even after the pandemic. Features like GPS tracking, live admission, attendance, scholarships, timetable, class, sport and subject management, homework management, transport, and employee management. All this and more makes it a complete package essential for easy school administration without burdensome paperwork, extra manual work, or constant supervision.
Even after the schools reopen, Sweedu can be a helping hand for the school administration. It provides WhatsApp and SMS integration so that students will not miss a single update from their teacher. The GPS tracking feature ensures the safety of its students and teachers. It is also equipped with many management features to ease the admin’s job such as managing hostel, admission, fees, visitor, staff, announcement, or accounting.
Online learning is much more than video lectures. It is about revolutionizing our Indian education system by digitizing it. The school management system is a one-stop solution for all the questions for successfully bringing your school or institution up with the current educational trends.
School management system like Sweedu provides a free trial for a whole year with which your school can manage up to 20 students and their daily activities in school. And if you decide to keep handling things smoothly at your school, all you need to do is pay a monthly or annual subscription fees. The subscription allows you to enroll as many students as you want in the system. It also allows you to use all of its premium features with an annual or monthly payment.
With the ongoing mission to make India digital, software like Sweedu contributes to the most important field of our nation, its education system. What do you think about it? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.