Sweedu help educational institutions to get renewed and bring themselves into better school management. A flexible platform for Administrators, Teachers, Students, Parents & Community Partners.The reasons to why Sweedu school management software is such that:
1. It’s User Friendly: It’s easy to work on Sweedu School Management software without any instructions all you need is the basic knowledge of working a computer or mobile applications.
2. It’s for all kinds of Educational Institutions: Use Sweedu in any kind of educational institution – schools, colleges, training centers, coaching institutes, which needs to manage students, teachers, and a whole lot more, Sweedu is the all-in-one solution.
3. Data Privacy: We offer every school full privacy to their data as the data is fully encrypted while being stored in Sweedu.
4. Affordable Pricing: Sweedu offers the lowest cost on its ERP software in the education sector. Schools and colleges of any size can easily afford Sweedu and its services.
5. It’s Eco Friendly: Sweedu makes your institution eco-friendly as all data and your reports are stored on the cloud, the use of paper and files are necessary only when needed.
6. Security: All data is secured. You need not worry about any crucial information being stolen. Sweedu protects your data completely.
7. Language Support: Sweedu offers support for 17 Indian & International languages which makes it easy for customers to translate into the language they understand.
8. Different Logins: Parents and students, teachers, and admins have their own individual login access to Sweedu, which allows them to view their dashboard from anywhere, anytime in the world.
9. No Hidden Fees: Transparent Pricing with Sweedu.
10. Exclusive Video Tutorials: By using this feature a student can access subject-wise and class-wise video tutorials. It helps them to understand missed topics and also allows them to revise old or previously taught topics
again for better clarity. It can be accessed via parents’ and students’ login.
11. Smart Class: With our smart class’s innovative concept of learning, we offer a live video chat facility. By using this feature, a teacher and a student or a group of students can communicate via one-to-one or one to many group video chatting. It allows the teacher to schedule online e-classes based on class or subjects and can be accessed via the parent’s login or by the student’s login. We thought it is not enough! So we tried to make it smarter than before by integrating whiteboard sharing and screen sharing features for a better understanding of students.
12. Free Demo: Try Sweedu for free before you purchase it. Find out how Sweedu will fit into your organization in the trial period and understand all its features easily.
13. Hostel & Transport Management: Manage all your hostels, and transports in one place.
14. Easily Accessible Everywhere: Sweedu is hosted on the cloud, which means, students, teachers, parents, and admins can always access Sweedu on the fly from anywhere.
15. High Quality-Low Price: Sweedu is the best School in one ERP solution in the market and at the same time is the most affordable one.
16. Online-Offline Exams: Test your student’s learning using Sweedu Online/Offline Exams feature. Schedule and conduct tests easily.
17. Become Partner of Sweedu: Resell Sweedu in your market under your terms and pricing.
18. Sweedu is evolving: Sweedu is constantly evolving to meet the needs of all schools and institutions.
19. Library Management: Sweedu comes with a Library module too, so that you can manage everything in school in one place.
20. Whatsapp Integration: These days, almost all Smartphone users prefer using WhatsApp messaging services. So to make the application more practical, we integrated it with WhatsApp functionality. By enabling the WhatsApp feature, you will be getting real-time fees payment details, fees payment reminders, student enrolment, employee enrolment, results, exam updates, and much more. Parents and students will be getting attendance status, absent notification, and daily homework with required attachments directly on their WhatsApp.
Henceforth, Sweedu is the best Efficient and Effective School ERP Software that one can Trust wholeheartedly. Suitable for all types of Educational Institutions such as schools, Colleges, Training Institutes, and more at a very affordable cost. Try Sweedu Today!