Technological advancements with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are occurring in every industry whether it is the private sector (Hospitality, corporates, etc.) or public sectors (health care facilities, government offices, etc.) as well as in school management software.
Artificial intelligence has almost become a household technology with every person’s smartphone having a virtual assistant helping them navigate through various applications and processes to get their work done faster.
New technological advancements have kept making the everyday task of every person easier and more efficient. A similar technology helps students to study better and earn higher grades at their own pace.
It is called adaptive education technology. Adaptive education technology when combined with the best school management software, helps students understand where they lack and provides them learning tasks that can help them improve in their studies and get better grades.
What is Adaptive Education Technology?
Adaptive education technology is a set of computer-based learning technology that assesses the student’s needs and prepares a personalized curriculum that helps the student to learn and understand various concepts at their own pace without pressurizing the student to finish the topic as fast as others.
This technology works on the fact that every student has their own pace with which they understand different concepts. A topic that is easy for one student may be difficult for another student and so, he/she may take longer to understand it.
Adaptive learning technology analyzes the strong and weak points of every student and gives them a course schedule that suits them the most. This allows students to properly understand every topic before moving onto the next topic.
Even when, adaptive learning technology cannot be used for all the subjects, it is helpful in most logic-based subjects like maths and physics. Such adaptive education technology can be integrated with the top school management software so that students and teachers can take the maximum benefit of it.
How does Adaptive Education Technology Help Students?
As mentioned earlier, every student’s learning pace is different in different subjects. Some students may be good in languages but average in mathematics and science, while others would be opposite of them.
Adaptive education technology assesses the strong and weak points of every student and prepares a lesson plan that gives just the right focus on the strong and weak points so that the students don’t find the lessons too easy or too difficult to understand.
This keeps the interest of every student in different subjects intact for a longer period without them getting bored or giving up on the subject.
In this way, adaptive learning is personalized for every student as no two students will be similar in their way of studying. A personalized learning plan makes sure that the student understands every facet of the subject and grows in all aspects.
How does Adaptive Education Technology help Parents and Teachers?
A student’s overall growth is the focus of every parent and teacher. For that, teachers and parents do many things from gamifying the studies to being strict with the students. However, even parents and teachers need to have an accurate understanding of where the student is strong and where he/she needs to put more effort.
The adaptive learning technology helps them by doing just that. It shows the detailed analysis data to the parents and/or teachers to help them understand where they need to focus more to make sure that the student does not fall behind on any topic or subject.
With the data gathered from the adaptive learning technology, parents and teachers will know where the student is showing great potential. This helps parents especially to know if the student is particularly interested in that subject or topic which can be helpful in the future when the child has to choose her/his majors.
Whereas for teachers, the weaker points are where they need to focus on the student’s learning syllabus. With this data, teachers can tweak the lesson plan just a little to suit the student’s understanding and help them to achieve a complete understanding of the subject before they start the next topic.
The cumulative data of every student also allows teachers to know whether their pedagogy is working well for the students or do they need to make some changes in their teaching methods so that students can learn better.
How can School Management Software Help?
An adaptive education technology integrated with your school management softwares can help you create a personalized lesson plan for every student. However, even without it, any top school management software in India allows you to get a complete report of every child showing where the student shines and where they need to be polished a little.
The report and the feedback itself can help you understand the requirements of every student a little better. With that knowledge, you can create lesson plans that further help students understand what they are studying.
Furthermore, the school management software allows teachers and school administration to send regular progress reports to the parents of every child. This personalized report lets parents know where they have to help their child more to learn the subject or concept better.
Because it is available as a smartphone application, parents and teachers can access the data from anywhere. Apart from all of this, school management softwares also offers many features that simplify tasks for school administration, teachers, parents, and students.
What are Adaptive Teaching Methods?
Teaching methods that understand differences in the learning levels of different students and make personalized curriculums to help every student learn topics and concepts at their own pace are called adaptive teaching methods.
What is the Purpose of Adaptive Learning?
Adaptive learning allows students to learn at their own pace and improves their understanding of any topic, concept, or subject so that they can make better choices for their future.
How does Adaptive Learning Works?
The adaptive learning technology first analyses every student’s base level of understanding and confidence over any subject and according to the answers and input that the students provide, it creates a unique and personalized lesson plan that focuses on every requirement of the student to gain better results.
Adaptive learning technology, when integrated with the right school management softwares, can offer you many helpful insights for every student’s subject understanding and requirements. It also helps you prepare a personalized learning plan for every student.
With the personalized learning plan, every student will be able to learn every concept with a deeper understanding that helps them to remember it better. And when they remember it better, it will reflect on their exam results as well. Hence, when you can focus on every student individually, the overall result of your school will also keep going higher.
To get the best out of your syllabus, make sure that you are using the right school management softwares that assists you on every task, whether administrative or academic.
If you are unsure about which one to use, you can start with taking the free trial of school management software. This will allows you to know what your needs are in school management software.
Does your school use adaptive learning technology? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to share this blog with people you think will be benefitted from this.