For Teachers

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning: Can These Learning Methods Improve your Classroom?

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning: Can These Learning Methods Improve your Classroom?

  Online learning gained momentum after the pandemic. More and more educational institutes have been adopting new technologies for smart management. With these new changes, learning methods have been upgraded to match the new learning environment. Online classrooms can use three learning methods such as synchronous, asynchronous, and hybrid learning. u might not know about these learning methods. But that’s…

Important Factors for Effective Virtual Learning

Important Factors for Effective Virtual Learning

E-learning is accessing education through educational technology, electronic media, information, and communication technologies.It includes a multiplicity of media, images, animation, video-streaming, satellite, CD-ROM, TV, computer-based learning, intranet/extranet, as well as web-based learning technologies.Sometime institutes don’t prefer the e-learning because of the certain expertise skills requirement but with Sweedu School Management ERP Software you don’t have to worry about any technical…