10 Login Profiles

10+ Login Profile

SWEEDU’s ‘10+ Login Profiles’ feature allows the school administrator/principal to manage the entire school’s teaching and non-teaching staff profiles. This feature allows all members of your staff to log in with their own unique set of features, ensuring a personalized and smooth user experience. 

Here’s how the 10+ login profiles feature works:

SWEEDU offers 11 different login profiles for various school employees, including School Administration, Teacher, Student, Parent, HOD, Sports Teacher, Librarian, Accountant, Front Desk/Receptionist, Hostel Warden, and School Bus Driver (via Transport App).

Every login profile comes with its own set of features, ensuring that each stakeholder can manage their work digitally in a way that suits them best.

With SWEEDU’s ‘10+ Login Profiles’ feature, school administrators can easily manage the different roles and permissions for each user.

What are the Benefits of the ‘10+ Login Profiles’ feature: 

    • Personalized user experience with customized features for each stakeholder.
    • A comprehensive digital solution that caters to the entire school and not just a select few.
    • Easy management of different roles and permissions for each user.
    • Streamlined communication and collaboration among stakeholders.
    • Improved efficiency and productivity in school management.